Rolex, GMT-Master II, Ref. 126719BLRO
Main reasons to invest
Reference 126719BLRO has achieved an average appreciation of 16.8 % over the last three years.
Over 250 models of the reference 126719BLRO have been traded on the secondary market in the last 12 months.
The average time spent on the secondary market was 74 days, which underlines the high liquidity.
Did you know that the GMT-Master II was designed for the time on intercontinental flights in two different time zones at the same time? But it is not just a travel watch. In addition to its versatile appearance, the watch is also distinguished by its robustness.
The watch's dial is deep blue and has a two-color Cerachrom number disc consisting of red and blue ceramic.
Our model is made of 18-carat white gold. Rolex also sets the highest standards for quality here and, thanks to its in-house foundry, can produce 18 carat gold alloys of its own. Whether yellow, rose or white gold, Rolex can produce the silver, copper, platinum or palladium components accordingly. In its laboratory, the quality of the gold is checked using the latest technology before it is used in the watch manufacture.

The world’s leading watch house, The 1916 company is home to the greatest collection of luxury watches, all certified authentic and Collector Quality.