Violin Luigi Cardi, 1884, Verona
Main reasons to invest
Return Potential📈: An investment of 500 EUR is projected to be worth approximately 794 EUR in 7 years.
Cost-to-Return Ratio⚖️: With just 2.4% annual total costs (including exit fees), your net profit could be an impressive 6.8% per year.
Limited Availability 🎻: Italian violins from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries are in high demand among soloists worldwide. Particularly noteworthy is the extremely limited number of instruments by this master. This soloist's instrument, with excellent projection and good condition, is considered a valuable work of art.
For the sale, the following two options are being considered:
- Private Sale: The violin will be offered directly to private collectors (family offices) of string instruments.
- Private sale: The violin is being sold directly to a musician, with the intention that the instrument will be played regularly.
Why Invest in String Instruments?
Rarity: High-quality string instruments are true rarities. Historical instruments are naturally limited in number. An excellent violin maker typically produces only 5-10 instruments per year. This scarcity ensures continuous demand and rising prices.
Market Growth: The market for string instruments has shown stable growth for decades. Historical data indicate an average annual value increase of 5.6% over a century. In the last two decades, this growth has accelerated to an impressive 11% per year, underscoring the attractiveness of this investment form. The Asian and American markets have been booming for decades.
Condition Description: The condition of a string instrument is crucial to its value. Detailed condition reports document every historical intervention or repair and damage, allowing investors to make an informed decision. This transparency ensures the long-term preservation of the instrument's value.
Maintenance Costs: The ongoing costs of owning string instruments are manageable. Storage is straightforward, and thanks to all-risk insurance, the instruments are protected against all eventualities, providing investors with additional security.
Authenticity: Each instrument is confirmed by a certificate of authenticity from an internationally recognized expert.
Sustainability: String instruments are traditionally and handcrafted, supporting the preservation of this art form. Additionally, the longevity of several hundred years of the instruments is an ecological advantage, as they are used and appreciated across generations.
Summary: String instruments are not only musical masterpieces but also cultural heritage (UNESCO) and coveted collectibles with impressive value appreciation. Their rarity and craftsmanship make them a stable investment that diversifies your portfolio and protects against economic fluctuations. Immerse yourself in the world of classical music and enjoy the emotional return and dual pleasure of cultural and financial gain. Invest in string instruments and be captivated by their timeless beauty and value stability.
Why Invest in Classical Music Instruments by Luigi Cardi?
Luigi Cardi was the only violin maker in Verona during the 19th century whose works are known today. In his workshop, not only string instruments but also pianos were produced between 1857 and 1904. Cardi's works are powerful and crafted with relatively simple artistic execution. The few known instruments are of convincing sound quality.
The varnish varies in color from a golden yellow to the intense red of the Venetian school. Some of his instruments show proximity to the Venetian school, evident in the triple purfling and the higher arching of the top and back plates.
The instrument offered here is published, among others, in the four large-format volumes of "Italian & French Violin Makers" as a reference instrument for this violin maker. This underscores the excellent condition of the violin.
In 1998, Jost Thöne founded the "Jost Thöne Verlag" and published numerous reference books on Italian and French violin making over the past four centuries. Particularly noteworthy is the eight-volume publication "Antonio Stradivari" (2010/2016), which is considered a milestone in the documentation of string instruments and is recognized worldwide.